For Anna Glowinski, mountain bikes were an added way to enjoy the craziness of city life in London. Moving out of the UK and into the countryside, she discovered a way to use MTBs to build a routine during a time of change, paving the way toward a stable, happy lifestyle. We’re delighted to share her story.
‘Moving from London to a sleepy town in Andalusia, wasn’t a mid-life crisis move, it was a mid-life solution for happiness. Escaping the rough and tumble of life in one of Europe’s busiest cities, my MTB keeps me grounded. Here’s why.
‘Growing up means something different for every generation. Whereas my parents’ gen was of the settling down with a comfy mortgage type, I’ve never been pushed to any of that. There’s a whole world out there to explore, and as a millennial, I’ve had the privilege to carve my own path. This perceived freedom came at the cost of financial security, as buying a house in London seemed like a pipe dream, and a job for life wasn’t on the table. I settled into the fast life of a TV presenter, doing whatever I could to stay close to my biggest passion: mountain bikes.

‘The inevitable twist is that everyone eventually wants a little stability. At least, that’s what it was like for me. I’d found a group of like-minded friends, who all lived hard and outwardly exciting lives working in entertainment and media in London, earning a fragile salary while living in rented apartments, squatting, or doing time back at our parents’ houses. Some earnt loads of money, others much less – but that's not what motivated us. Being on bikes, around bikes and with like-minded people chasing the next party was more important.

‘But when the dust settled, I had a child and two rescue dogs to care for. And after years of working hard and seeing little in return in terms of security, I cashed in my chips and left the city. Taking my mountain bike with me as I waved goodbye to the Shard, the Eye, the Thames, and the tourists.

‘It wasn’t as much a mid-life crisis, as it was simply a new beginning. My love for mountain bike riding hadn’t abated. But the way I rode had changed. Before, when I went on rides, I wanted to go as hard as possible. Pushing further, going from one reckless ride to another. I used the bike to ride through my hangovers after long nights of partying. No regrets, of course. But the wild rides were not cutting it for me anymore. An injury here and there, and the fun started to stop.
‘Instead of dropping MTBs like a toy from my youth, I've clung to the sport as an anchor in the turmoil of change. As I started to fight for an elusive stability, I found the peace I needed by riding. Mountain biking is a big part of my life, and as my priorities have changed, so has my way of riding. Mellow paces, happy faces, that’s what I say.
‘My mid-life crisis, let’s just call it that, was never about ditching the routine in exchange for an expensive bike and a wild trip. Instead, I embraced that beautiful routine, exploring life by bike to match my everyday joys.’

About Anna
Anna Glowinski is a passionate mountain bike rider who used to live in London and worked as a freelance TV presenter, social media host, events commentator and pretty much any other job that involved living fast and staying in the world of MTB.